Friday, May 20, 2011

Im Not Neurotic... (Did I spell that right?)

So.. I have a couple new things that perturb my panda..
1. When sandwiches are too big to fit in my mouth. Seriously. I have a HUGE mouth (despite what my dentist tells me which leads me to believe there are a TON of ginormous-mouthed people in Lombard). I should be able to bite into a sandwich and have a little bit of each layer from top bread to bottom bread. It shouldnt take two bites to get thru all the layers. Panera - although i got you for free, im wondering what you were thinking.
2. Since Eric (thats what fiona named my kidney stone), its been recommended by my doctor that i cut back on caffeine. She suggested i cut it out altogether, but i got her to be a little more reasonable. She said "no pop, no chocolate" i said "no problem".. she stared at me for a second wondering why i gave in so quickly (she has been my doctor for a while and knows my personality very well) and then said "really?" and i said "really" with a big smile on my face. she then said "oh yea, no coffee" and that was it. my jaw hit the ground and my eyes welled up (ok, not really, but dramatics really do make a story, huh?) so my jaw did drop and i was like "do what now?" and that was when she realized that was the good spot. ive never been a big coffee drinker and for the first 30 yea(EEEEK! was i really gunna say that?!) *take two* for the first TWENTY years of my life i thought it tasted terrible and that my love for diet pepsi would be caffeine enough to get me going.. until a certain company that i am positive puts crack in their menu items came out with iced coffee! not just any old boring iced coffee.. VANILLA iced coffee!!! EEEE!!!!!! excitement!!! and that was where it all started.. iced coffee here, iced coffee there.. ahhh.. the good old days.. then i tried costa rican coffee.. holy moly.. true love in a mug.. it warmed me up, it tasted like it melted in my mouth, and i couldnt get enough.. i was brewing a pot in the evening and trying to contain the urges to pull my tshirt over my head and channel my inner cornholio.. which then led me to getting warm coffee in the morning.. so it was coffee coffee coffee all day long and i was the happiest ginger you'd ever seen.. until this moment. this much defined, will never be forgotten moment of "no coffee". insert sadface.. so i looked up at her like a little kid who just found out by an older sibling that there is no santa and said "no coffee?" and she said "weeeeellll.. you can have one coffee a day" and then put her hand up and stretched her finger far from her thumb as if to show me how small a cup i should have and said "one small coffee" then she spread her two hands apart displaying the size of a large large coffee .. tumbler.. i guess you would call it? and said "not one large coffee" and then put up her gesture for small coffee again and said "one. small. coffee." i could live with that.. right? it wouldnt be so hard. right? well a week of caffeine headaches later from my lack of continuous flow of caffeine into my systed would suggest otherwise, but i got through it.. and i now i have my one small coffee a day.. so for the love of pete (im getting to the point finally) when i order my one small coffee from the closest coffee drive thru establishment on my way in to work, can they PLEASE just get it right? its not hard! its coffee! its what your known for! (well, that and donuts, but thats besides the point) just please make what it says on the screen cuz when i place my order to the speaker box, it gets it right. you dont realize what a waste it feels like when my one little treat of the day is messed up.
whew, im exhausted after that journey through words.. wish i had a coffee to spike up my attention span.. oh, hi water. you'll do. *sadface*