Tuesday, March 2, 2010

DVR's & Network TV

So for my first angry rant, i thought i would use what most recently perturbed my panda. stupid dvr's and lame ass network tv. dvr's are becoming more and more popular and most people, because of their busy schedules (and maybe their hate of commercials) record their shows, and watch them at a time that they are not normally on. so you would think that network tv would try to make sure that their show runs in their allotted time and doesnt extend past their scheduled thirty or sixty minute window when it is being recorded. or that maybe dvr's could be a little flexible and go a couple minutes over the scheduled end time just to be safe.
not so tonight. you win abc and lost. oh yea and screw you too comcast. because of my short attention span and my ever-present a.d.d., with lost being a show that you have to pay attention to, i have been re-watching the previous episode and then watching the new one so i remember right where they left off when i start watching the new one. it also has been surprising me how much i miss when i watch it the first time around. anyway, so i re-watched last week's episode, got all ready for tonight's and then turned it on. the stupid friggen dvr cut off right at the end, so not only did i not see the end of the episode but *gasp* i also didnt get to see the preview for next week!
although i can guess that the preview was something like a quick pan of everyone on the show followed by the infamous "questions will be answered" line they keep telling us every week, im still left not knowing what i missed at the end of the episode! sure, its probably going to be on demand or online tomorrow and i can watch the last couple minutes, but until then, my crazy jelly bean fueled brain is free to run wild and guess what happened...
did aliens crash into the temple? did everyone wake up and it turns out the whole show was a virtual reality mind f*ck to everyone that has been loyally watching since season one? did anyone spontaneously explode? or IMplode?? did a panda show up? cuz that would have been the perfect opportunity for a panda to show up, you know, when my dvr cuts out on me.. did the island move again? did desmond come back and save everyone? ugh did juliet turn into a zombie, dig herself out of her shallow grave and come back to eat everyone's brains? really.. it could be anything at this point.
so to you comcast, abc, and lost.. SCREW YOU! thanks for making me a crazy nut job and letting my mind go buck wild until i can actually see what happened (and then wish that it was that a panda showed up).. when i set my dvr to record a show, i want it to record the WHOLE show and not just cut out when the channel guide says its supposed to be over. the channel guide is not the ruler of the universe and clearly it has its flaws. im off to come up with more crazy theories..
and that my bored blog readers is what really perturbs my panda.


  1. my dear sweet friend...though i totally agree with you...b/c trust me...in the summer...when big brother is on on tuesdays and thursdays and sundays...you learn the hard way that on sundays...60 mins always runs over...that damn show should be called 120 minutes...or just 2 hours...but anyhow...then you end up with 40 mins of 60 mins and only 20 mins of bb! what the deuce!!!...but anyhow..i should tell you...that you can set your recording for lost to run a couple minutes over. or even start early...so that this crap doesn't happen again. stupid comcast...don't even get me started....come to think of it...i think big brother is on abc. fukka you abc!!!

  2. lol what is even worse is i think maybe those bitches at comcast actually read my blog cuz now my dvr doesnt work. it doesnt show anything scheduled to be recorded and it already skipped recording something that was set to record. YOU WIN THIS ROUND COMCAST! i actually had to call comcast *shudder* and now i have to bring in my box and have it exchanged for a (laugh) new (refurbished) one. i cant really complain because this is still the original box i got when i got this service with them and that was like 4ish maybe 5 years ago and i know a lot of people (YOU included my love) that have not had that kind of luck with their cable boxes, but still. when they have an OOPGRAD they should let us know so that we dont get to this point where we wanna take the box in and smash in the face of the comcast worker behind the counter. sadly for me, the girl that works at the comcast location closest to my house also happens to be the only neighbor that i love and i would not wanna hurt her face, so i can only hope that when i go in tomorrow, she's out on a break ;)
