Sunday, March 7, 2010


And so begins another edition of What Perturbs My Panda. Germs. Germ germy germs. some ungrateful little jerk of a germ has completely taken over my body. it started last saturday when i was freezing and felt like i couldnt warm myself up. then with temperature changes and a flight with random coughers and sneezers, i really started to feel it. it took a couple more days and then when realizing that i had said "im just fighting a cold" when people at work told me (in the sweetest way possible) that i looked like death about 15 times, i found that i was not fighting it, it was kicking my butt. i know, its just a cold, what am i whining about, right? well screw you! then dont read my blog!
i powered through thursday and friday and then finally friday night i succumbed. through medicine, nasal sprays, and breathe right strips stuck to my nose, i tried and tried to fight it. sneeze sneeze cough sniffle blow sneeze sniffle blow cough cough sneeze.. on and on.. headaches, body aches, face aches, man-voice, low tolerance to anything that didnt involve me sleeping.. i was full on sick. i went to sleep between seven and eight on friday night and did not get up besides to go to the bathroom or get more juice until about 9:30 this morning. and im still gross.
*gross tmi warning*
ive hacked up the nastiest shit and have had my boogies be every color. clear, yellow, green, orange, brown and even the dreaded red, ive had them all. thank god for lotioned tissues! otherwise my sniffer would be as ginger as my hair. [sidenote: in all my laziness and half-sleepiness i have watched a lot of tv this weeekend. i kept seeing a commercial for canada dry ginger ale "claiming" to be made from real ginger. its not even red. get a clue.]
what really blew my mind was this was the time my normally super sweet ten year old sweety pie of a daughter decided to act like a fifteen year old pain in the ass with pms. who picks on their mom when they are sick? im always sweet to her when she doesnt feel good. had i had the energy to get up, she may have been murdered. lucky for her i went back to sleep and she got to live another day. so i am writing this hoping that my germs are almost dead and that even though this whole weekend was a bust, that my week gets better.
so screw you germs, go find someone else to harass (just not anyone that can blame me for getting them sick!) and leave me alone! i never invited you in and i would gladly show you to the door, if i could get out from under this blankey and pile of used tissues. *achoo*
and that, blog readers that think i am just a whiney sick person, is what perturbs my panda.

1 comment:

  1. germs are the nast babe! i hope you're feeling better...i know i sat on the couch or in bed from wed afernoon to about yesterday. when i actually did get up..i almost passed out from being so immobile. :( but it's monday morning...and i have an ultrasound tonight! yippee!!!! xoxo
