Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Grumpy Part One

So im kinda grumpy today, and altho probably no one can tell (unless brandi sees me click on something) that im being a grump, i most certainly am. so i decided that since i havent blogged in a while that i would randomly throughout the day post things that have annoyed me and then get them out of my head.. no sense hanging onto annoyances, right? so even tho ive only been at work for about three hours, here's what's annoyed me so far:
1. if you dont know the answer to a fucking question, DO NOT answer it. dont make up your answer cuz youre too proud to ask someone what the correct answer it. it just cost us $450 you stupid bitch so i hope youre fucking happy. go to hell and dont come back.
2. if you are making copies on a copier and notice there is a black line across them, that means that there is a smudge, dirt, dust, etc on the screen of the scanner and you just need to get a tissue and wipe it off real quick. i dont know why i am the only person who has figured this out and knows how to fix it but its real fucking annoying. dont you think things look like shit with lines across them? do you notice them? do you just wait for me to come clean it? seriously?
3. if your filling out an application that you know is going to be reviewed and it says in bold letters across the top that it will be reviewed, and you know we are looking for the best possible candidate for this, please do not give a stupid answer. lie if you have to. if you know its something i can never research or follow up on, just give me what you think i want to hear. (i.e. "how many previous sexual partners have you had?" "unknown" not a good idea)
4. if you want me to do something, you can give it to me. im right here. you dont need to wait until i leave, put a post it on it with instructions and leave it on my desk while im in the washroom and then sit there like nothing happened. i dont think im unapproachable, and i never give anyone even a sigh of frustration when asked to do something, so please dont act like that. its annoying.

To be continued...


  1. i just wanna tell you that today, i slapped my computer physically slapped it like it had a faaaace, slammed my fist on the desk, threw my phone and my headset and swore. i feel your pain babe, i truly do.

  2. wait.. threw your fone? is my condition contagious? sexy!
